Tuesday, April 12, 2011

only 9 weeks to go

One major development in the last week is the significant increase in the size of my belly. I can feel the pressure building up everyday. Leg cramps is another annoying factors. glucose test was not so good the first time and had to be sent away to do another one last weekend. It was like hell. I was given a stronger and sweeter sugar concentrator to take down in one go and sit in a room for 2 hours before they took my blood....all I can say to that is never go through it again. After the test, my first gut feeling was I sure do have the problem now even if I didn't have it before.
Stew's been busy with his studies and work. His work sent him away from home 3 days a week during this critical time in our lives and yet for the sake of our future we can only be stepped upon by those people. I can handle most of the tasks at the moment but really would love to have a helping hand every now and then.Anyway there are just too many things we can not control around us and the best we can do now is to make sure me and baby is well.....one advise is in this world the best backup plan is yourself. You must be always prepared to do everything without any help.  Hunter, this one is for you too.
